Getting started with CloudLinux OS Shared

Supported systems and devices

Supported Hardware

CloudLinux OS Shared runs on all the hardware supported by CentOS/RHEL

Supported Operating Systems

CloudLinux OS Shared can be installed on new Linux servers or can convert existing CentOS/RHEL servers with a single script without any customer configs or data changes. CloudLinux’s CentOS-like interface alleviates the learning curve and makes administrators feel instantly at home.

To deploy CloudLinux OS Shared:

  • To convert existing CentOS/RHEL servers to CloudLinux OS – see “Installing on CentOS server” article. Note: if you are converting Hyper-V servers, make sure you upgrade to the latest CentOS first.
  • To install on the new system – click here.


CloudLinux OS Shared is fully compatible with cPanel, DirectAdmin, and Plesk control panels and with most software commonly used with CentOS and RHEL. For all other control panels, we have implemented a single mechanism that allows to integrate CloudLinux OS Shared into any control panel.    compatible-logos  

Related resources

CloudLinux OS Shared lifecycle

Plesk DirectAdmin cPanel